Grandaddy wollen nicht mehr. Das meldet heute der NME. Frontmann Jason Lytle äußerte sich in einem längeren Statement zum Ende der 1992 gegründeten Band. Darin heißt es unter anderem, der Split sei "unausweichlich" gewesen. Hier weitere Statements im Original:
"The realistic part is it hasn't proved to be a huge money-making venture for a lot of guys in the band. We've been doing this for a long time and you have to ask yourself 'Why am I beating myself up like this?'...week after week, month after month, year after year. […] We structured a little meeting to make it real. We got together one day in a place downtown where we wouldn't be bothered and had it out not knowing if it was gonna end. There was a lot of frustration in varying degrees, and a lot of it was built up from lack of communication. We had the opportunity to get it out into the open and come to terms with the fact that we gave it a pretty good go. We had witnessed the best it could be. […] It's awkward right now...but it was far from throwing blows. It was kind of sad, because we knew it would be the last time we would hang out in that situation, so we dragged it out as long as we could!"
Ein bereits aufgenommenes neues Album mit dem Titel "Just Like The Fambly Cat" soll dieses Jahr allerdings noch bei V2 erscheinen. Eine Abschiedstour ist jedoch nicht geplant.
"The realistic part is it hasn't proved to be a huge money-making venture for a lot of guys in the band. We've been doing this for a long time and you have to ask yourself 'Why am I beating myself up like this?'...week after week, month after month, year after year. […] We structured a little meeting to make it real. We got together one day in a place downtown where we wouldn't be bothered and had it out not knowing if it was gonna end. There was a lot of frustration in varying degrees, and a lot of it was built up from lack of communication. We had the opportunity to get it out into the open and come to terms with the fact that we gave it a pretty good go. We had witnessed the best it could be. […] It's awkward right now...but it was far from throwing blows. It was kind of sad, because we knew it would be the last time we would hang out in that situation, so we dragged it out as long as we could!"
Ein bereits aufgenommenes neues Album mit dem Titel "Just Like The Fambly Cat" soll dieses Jahr allerdings noch bei V2 erscheinen. Eine Abschiedstour ist jedoch nicht geplant.
Ignorey - 27. Januar, 18:48
bambinetta - 28. Januar, 11:01
schade !!!! gerade erst kennen und mögen gelernt und schon sind sie also wieder weg.... :(
diza - 28. Januar, 17:27
bambinetta - 28. Januar, 18:06
guten tag. ein neues gesicht...
tetze - wenn dem so wär, wärst du schon tot.
tetze - wenn dem so wär, wärst du schon tot.
diza - 29. Januar, 17:32
guten tag.
ich ärger mich heute übrigens noch mehr als gestern.
ich ärger mich heute übrigens noch mehr als gestern.